Dropoff Map

Dear Families:  We are excited to welcome students back to school!  We have been reviewing the traffic pattern in the morning for the elementary school and we have some changes for the 2023-2024 school year.  To help ensure the safety of the students please note the following guidelines for the morning traffic flow.

  • Division Street is a one way street on school mornings from 7:30am to 8:30am
  • 7:45am to 8:05am the front of the Elementary School is for buses only to stop and drop-off students.  The students getting off of the bus will enter the building at the main entrance. Please do not park or drop-off students in this area during this time. (Yellow)
  • 7:45am to 8:05am Parents can pull into the “student drop-off zone” (Orange) and let their students out.  Staff will be available to greet and assist students walking into the east entrance.  Please do not park in this area during this time.
  • If you are bringing a student to school prior to 7:45am or after 8:05am you may drop them off in at the main entrance in front of the building.
  • Unless otherwise posted, Wisconsin's fixed limits are standardized throughout the state. Motorists are prohibited from driving faster than 15 miles per hour when passing a school building or driving through a school zone or crossing.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Stacey Wester, Elementary School Principal                                          Chris Nelson, District Administrator

westers@iola.k12.wi.us                                                                                nelsonc@iola.k12.wi.us

715-445-2411 ext 1201                                                                                  715-445-2411 ext 1401